Nutong Xueshe Board of Directors Core Members

Nutong Xueshe (NTXS)

Registered with the Hong Kong Police Force as a non-governmental organization under the “Society Ordinance” on 2 September 2005, NTXS is a volunteer-run, education and cultural advocacy collective for and by members from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Hong Kong.

We aim to raise public awareness on issues of sexuality, to facilitate self-empowerment of marginalized communities, to encourage multi-leveled dialogue in society around taboo subjects, and to advocate for greater equality between peoples of different genders and sexualities.

The founders and volunteers of NTXS came from diverse class backgrounds , and have had long term experiences working with NGOs in Hong Kong and abroad.

During 2005-2009, we have organized more than 100 workshops, forums and seminars, numerous exhibitions, published two booklets, participated in more than 15 marches and 20 petitions, and launched five websites. A book edited by NTXS on Hong Kong Tongzhi Art is forthcoming in 2010.

Our first website, Rainbow Station, launched in 2005, is a self-help resource centre which contains more than 250 articles written by LBGTIQ and Tongzhi peoples on issues such as intimacy, human rights, coming out, safer sex, differences and religious beliefs. It also provides an extensive list of links to hotlines and websites of other LBGTIQ groups locally and in the region. We launched GDotTV in 2008, the first Tongzhi online television in Hong Kong. GDOT360, a Game Centre to explore and highlight issues of sexuality in a fun form targeted to a younger audience was launched in the same year, and was launched in 2009 specifically to counter censorship. A liberal studies teaching website on Tongzhi topics was launched in 2010 catered for secondary school teachers.

Board of Directors

Lucetta Kam

She is currently teaching gender studies in China. She is the Hong Kong representative (2008-10) of the Organizing Committee of the "Chinese Lala Alliance" and the editor and illustrator of Lunar Desires: Her first same-sex love in her own words (in Chinese, 2001, Hong Kong), the first collection of women’s self-narratives of same-sex desires in Hong Kong. Her academic papers are published in E-Journal on Hong Kong Cultural and Social Studies 2 (September 2002), Journal of Lesbian Studies, 10(3/4, 2006), AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in the Asia-Pacific (University of Illinois Press, 2008) and Mainstreaming Gender(Chinese University Press, forthcoming), As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexualities in Hong Kong and China (Hong Kong University Press, forthcoming), etc. She and James Welker are guest editors of “Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia”, a special issue for Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context (Issue 14, 2006). 

Lam Oi Wan

She is the current chairperson of Hong Kong In-Media, a major online alternative media for social movements in Hong Kong. She is working part time as Northeast Asia editor at globalvoicesonline, and also teaches an undergraduate course on Cyberpolitics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has experience as professional journalist, managing editor and NGO organizer.

Jo Wai-yee Lee

She is the Chairperson of Society for the Study of Sexualities and Sex-pol, she is currently a PhD candidate for gender studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Active in sexual politics and anti-censorship movement, she is a pro-sex feminist and an erotic writer. She is a part-time lecturer teaching MA courses including “Gender Theory” & “Gender and Family” in Gender Studies Programme in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She teaches an undergraduate course “Human Sexuality” in Department of Social Work in University of Hong Kong. Jo is a certified sex therapist and clinical hypnotherapist, qualified with Postgraduate certificate in Sex Therapy, M.Phil in Anthropology and in Youth Counselling, and she is the director of Hong Kong Sex Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre. She was the chief coordinator of a LGBT-friendly book project - “Safe and Caring Schools for Lesbian and Gay Youth: A Teacher's Guide”(Chinese translation version for Hong Kong educators).

Verdy Leung

He teaches MA in Gender Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a certified sex therapist and is the director of Hong Kong Sex Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre. He also works in the field of GLBT counseling and AIDS prevention. He was the chief investigator of "Narrating Dangerous Sexual Choice: A Qualitative Research on Men-have-sex-with-men Practicing Un/safe Sex in Hong Kong” (funded by AIDS Trust Fund, the Department of Health of Hong Kong). Moreover, Verdy is a visual artist and an Assistant Professor of Ikebana. He has won some visual art awards throughout the years, e.g. First-runner-up and Second-runner-up in Oriental Flower Arrangement Competition in Hong Kong Flower Show, and Silver Award in Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Award.

Day Wong

She is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her teaching and research interests include: gender and sexuality; qualitative research method; and sociological theory. She participated in "Hong Kong Women Who Have Same-Sex Desires Oral History Project" (funded by Home Affairs Bureau of Hong Kong, 2004) and conducted a research study of Hong Kong youth's un/safe (hetero)sexual behavior (funded by Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, 2008).

Core Members

siu CHO (Nutong Xueshe Executive Co-Director)

He is currently a PhD candidate in Gender Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is one of the best known and active Hong Kong gay activists in the past few years. He was one of the three interviewees of “Tongzhi Lovers” produced by Radio Television Hong Kong, which was “strongly advised” by the Broadcasting Authority for promoting homosexual marriage, and is the only plaintiff in a legal action of judicial review against the Broadcasting Authority on this incident. The court case successfully stroke down the discriminatory decision by the Broadcasting Authority and set another powerful precedent for LBGTQ equal rights before law. He has appeared in a number of media interviews himself, with his brother (who is a devoted Christian) or with his mother on issues about homosexuality and cultural studies, Christianity and family relationships. Since the founding of Nutong Xueshe, he has been a prolific gay writer for newspaper columns as well as publications by LGBT groups, and was the gay radio co-host for a web radio programme on LGBT social movement with members of Women’s Coalition Hong Kong. His research interests include the historical development of local tongzhi movement, sex education and pornography, etc. Joseph Cho serves as a non-paid executive co-director for NTXS and has been involved in NTXS for 4 years since its establishment. Joseph Cho is now only living on his studentship.

Jonas CHUNG (Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

He is interested in politics and gender studies. As a core member, he is responsible for organizing and publicing activities and liaising with other LGBTQ groups. He is now participating with other core members of NTXS in fighting against the tightening of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Oridinance. Meanwhile, He served as an organizing committee member for Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival and Hong Kong Pride Parade Organizing Committee, assisting the committe by helping organize the annual exhibition and the annual Pride Parade. After graduation from the Hong Kong University with associate degree, Jonas starts working with the first openly gay legislator, Raymond Chan Chi Chuen. He has talents in graphic and website design. Many of the NTXS info-graphics and e-posters are his design.

Eleanor (Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

She holds a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of British Columbia, Canada and is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), conducting a research on transgender issues. She is a committee member and a hotline counsellor for Queer Sisters, a local queer women’s group founded since 1995, and is one of the production team members for the production of a counselling educational kit (DVD and handbook) titled "How to work with sexual minorities" (2009). She is a member of Transgender Equality and Acceptance Movement (TEAM), and has participated as a panel moderator and speaker for talks and workshops on transgender issues. She is also a founding member of HKqUeercampus, a LGBT student group at HKU, and is one of the organisers of a pioneering talk on workplace diversity at local university by the Lehman Brothers’ Gay and Lesbian Network, a workshop session on Diversity of Love (co-organising with HKU’s Centre of Development and Resources for Students), and a Pride Week on campus (2008), with a variety of activities, including film show, talks and playback theatre. While she was in the United Kingdom, she was an Establishment Contact for GALIPS (Support network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Prison Service staff) (2004 – 2005). Eleanor organises a LGBTQ meditation group which gathers regularly to foster community support and bonding, and sharing of spirituality topics. 

Mo (Executive Co-director for NTXS cum Director for GDotTV)

She is a biological female bisexual woman. Cammy has been working in the media since graduation from the Baptist University of Hong Kong. With almost ten years of experience in video production, she is especially interested in documentary. In addition to local documentaries, she has filmed in Cambodia and Macau. Cammy has also rich experience in filming various protests and parades, such as Macau Labour day protest, the 5th annual IDAHO, the last 5 Hong Kong Pride Parade. Cammy received the Jury Special Awards from the 9th Independent Short Film & Video Awards and Aspiring Young Communications from the 2nd Chang Kuo-sin Award.

Natalie Ng (Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

She is a core group member of NTXS. She is a biological female and a bisexual woman. Natalie has just been graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Cultural Studies. She used to be an intern working in NTXS in the summer in 2012 and decided to join on board after the completion of internship.

Nate Chan (Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

Nate Chan is a core group member of NTXS. She is a biological female and a bisexual woman. She has been working for a local literary magazine and trained in Chinese literature. Nate helps NTXS keep in touch with dozens of local artists and writers.

Zoe Wong(Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

Zoe Wong is a core group member of NTXS. She is a biological female and a hetrosexual woman. She has been working for a local arts institution. Zoe helps NTXS keep in touch with different local artists.

Lo Yu (Nutong Xueshe Committee Member)

Lo Yu is a core group member of NTXS. She is a biological female and a homosexual woman. She has been studying for a master degree of gender studies in England.

Quncy(Photography Group Committee Member)

As a photography enthusiast, he captures the society with his camera. He also has passion in history and culture. Having joined NTXS's Photo Sharing Group for nearly a year, he has researched and organized photo shooting trips to old districts. Wanting to get to know different cultures and groups to widen his photographic scope and subjects was the reason for him to join NTXS. “Having been here for a year, it feels like a fellowship, I have met many good friends here. No one needs to hide themselves here, and I am not afraid of talking about my participating in LGBT organization and activities. I hope I can set an example, be part of the movement, the day when sexuality would not be a matter.”

Febe (Photography Group Committee Member)

Female photographer. Loving sensational persons and stuffs, she feels that the world is big and unlimited, the unexpectedness of life and learning process is endless… She enjoys visual arts, photography, movies, painting, videos and traveling, etc. She has a passion in artistic photographic arts, searching for graphic and emotional expression. She has won numerous awards in photographic competitions. She participated in many NTXS activities, such as GDotTV, In / Out – Hong Kong Tongzhi Art and photo sharing group.